Institutionele Watertrillingen

Door Thijs Bronts

How can we feel the working infrastructure that makes art institutes? Institutional Water Ripples investigates the invisible social layers of an art institute through artistic investigation, while simultaneously the artist reflects on the holistic production of making art. Various interventions that took place in the buildings of ArtEZ in Arnhem, commented on the current procedure of institutional practice; What is possible in regards to fire safety, individual privacy? How accessible are institutes? Through these questions it probes the autonomy of the artist and further, whether this autonomyfinds its way back into the work.

2024, Nederlands NUR
Auteur(s) Thijs Bronts
Design Jona Meijer
Fotografie Thijs Bronts
Mede-uitgevers mede mogelijk gemaakt door Culture Making geprint en gebundeld op ArtEZ
Pagina's 51 p.
Afmetingen × cm
Bindwijze singersteek
Papier Munken pure, 90 gram Rainbow, 150 gram