04 June 2024

New Pre-order ‘Practising Solidarity’

New pre-order: Practising Solidarity

The new publication Practising Solidarity by Daniëlle Bruggeman was festively pre-launched on May 21 during the symposium Ties that Bind, State of Fashion, by Daniëlle Bruggeman and is available as pre-order now! We look back on a wonderful pre-launch, with many thanks to Daniëlle Bruggeman and the organization of State of Fashion. During the symposium, an ArtEZ Press stand could be visited in the hall of the Rembrandt Theater in Arnhem and various publications were for sale.

Practising Solidarity explores how to make and wear clothes in a solidary way. Creatives, fashion practitioners, designers and artistic researchers have engaged in a participatory practice of collectively investigating what it entails to practise solidarity in fashion. It is high time to move beyond systemic de-humanization, beyond the intersectional inequalities as well as Eurocentric and exploitative approaches inherent to the current industrial fashion system.

In this book, we recognize the urgency of practising more care – for other human beings, animals, organisms, species as well as more care for nature’s matter and the other material inhabitants of the earth that we live with.

Find the new Pre-order in our webshop!